Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday - Chuck E. Cheese

We ventured out to Chuck E. Cheese yesterday, yes it was crazy crowded due to the spring break crowd. Dad even met up with us. We had a great time. Little Miss loved her second trip, last time she was only 1 month old.

Typically this is not my choice for lunch but the kids LOVE it. I have many memories as a child at these types of place, so my kids filled up their brains with memories today :)

Of course we had coupons... I signed up for the email club and get coupons once a month. (Here is a treat our March coupons)Plus we got extra tokens... how... let me share
  • Bring in your child report cards and get free tokens
  • Birthdays, get tokens equal to your child's age. Kate got 12(birthday next week)!
  • Extra tokens with my meal deal.

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  1. I did not know that you could get more tokens with report cards or birthdays. My girls love to go there, but I hate the thought of the cost. I guess I will have to surprise them with a trip there. Thanks for the tips!!!

  2. Thanks for the comment on my blog! I'm glad to find yours - I can always use more tips on being frugal!

  3. Cute pic of you 2!!


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