Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesdays Tip - Pillowcase Dress #2

The pillowcase dress was a hit last week! So here we go round two! One of my readers who is also a friend of mine from high school made her own dress. Take a look, way to go Hollie @ The Drama Mama! (I took the photo from her blog, she even wrote about her creation yesterday). I love hearing my tips put into practice so I had to share with all of you!!

My friend Adrien came over today and look what she brought Madeline.... a pillowcase dress... 2 to be exact. She made a special one for Madeline's 2nd birthday party so that one is a secret for now.

Madeline loved her new pink and zebra dress (Adrien knows my style :) she twirled around danced to show off. I even put her down for a nap in it and came up to see why she wasn't sleeping, well Little Miss decided to take off her dress she untied the ribbon. Too cute!

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  1. Girl...you started something in me that I didn't know excisted!! I so look forward to the moment I can sit down in front of that sewing machine now...all because of your stinking post (now I will really NEVER get anything done around here!). But seriously, thanks for sharing...I am having so much fun with this!

    Oh, and Madeline's dress is precious {love the zebra & pink ;)}!!

  2. I would love to make these for my grand daughters. I could not find
    your tips on how to make these.
    thank you,
    These are just too cute.

  3. How cute and what a great idea!

  4. Oh my goodness - what a CUTE dress!! :) Love it! Thanks for sharing the info!

    ~Karla @ It's The Little Things...

  5. OH my gosh, that dress is too too cute! I may have to make one of these for my neices!! Yall are saying it's eazy...we'll see, I've never sewed in my LIFE.


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