Sunday, February 1, 2009

Home Improvement Coupons

We have had a weekend of more appliance shopping... I am actually getting tired of this ready to just have it done with!!

We did not purchase yet we are waiting for our 10% off coupons to come in the mail so we can save some $$.

Any home improvement projects get some coupons here:
Search Ebay- ton's for $1

Anyone have any extra Lowe's or Home Depot coupons?


  1. Hi!

    I always have to wait for mine to come in the mail! It seems the more you spend, the more they send. We haven't spent in a no coupons here. If I had one, I would sure send it your way!

  2. Thanks for the great links to coupons. I'm always interested in knowing where to save money! I agree with Angela, it seems like the more you spend the more they send you those coupons!


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