Friday, January 30, 2009

Freebie Friday

I interrupt the regular scheduled post to make an announcement..... I went Krogering!!! I did it and I loved it I only spent $11.23 on all these goodies the bill was $32.89 before my coupons and savings card. We were so excited Frugal Dude (Will's new bloggy nickname) and I had to take a photo to show our finds. Yes.... we are a Texas Longhorn family. This is only a small portion of my weekly groceries tomorrow we will be back at Wallyworld.
Now back to the regular post.....

Free Diet Dr. Pepper - I love this stuff. Funny Medical Tip: If you having a little trouble going, drink one and problem solved. Natural quick laxative. Really try it why do you think they call it DR. Pepper?

Free Flush the Internal Fat- Sorry I had t post this after the Dr. Pepper medical tip. LOL!

Free Quaker Mini Delights- I got my free sample this week they are sooo good. I am ordering a second sample. They are diet friendly.

Free Always Infinity Pad- OK.. anyone else wonder about the name, Infinity means to go on forever. This has me interested in a sample. They claim ground breaking and innovative. Really..... it's just a pad.

Free Gardener's Idea Book- Sounds fun spring is around the corner. After our ice storm this week I like to think about spring. Only thing about Gardening.... I don't have a green thumb :(

Funny Crazy Freebie of the week: America's Best Car Commercials DVD... really it is all yours no need to DVR the shows just watch the annoying commercials.


  1. thanks for the list. FEllow frualtarian here. See you around.

  2. I love that your little man was into the grocery thing. Awesome!

  3. Frugal Jen....even though you are Longhorns...I love ya anyway!! What a fabu blog!!

    The wife of an Aggie


  4. $11.23?! Well here I am all super impressed!!

    Oh my goodness...don't tell me you call Wal-Mart Wallyworld! My family calls it that and we are forever perplexing our friends - hilarious!


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