Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Year of Frugal Living 2009

2008 was a great year and a stressful year! It was also the start of Frugal Jen and this blog. After the market took at big dip (my husband is a finanical advisor) I decided to share my frugalness with others. I am so excited each day to write and most of all to know I have readers that can also save money by a tip or two. When I see I get a new follower I haven't met it makes my day.

I've talked to so many women who have in the past lived in materialism and spending and now are enlightening by frugal and happy living. I hope 2009 brings more to see the stress free frugal living and also living within their means.

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope to grow my readership and offer lots of great tips and savings for you and your families. Pass my blog to your friends, I am glad to announce you can also find this blog by visiting

God Bless you and your family in 2009! Lots of great things in store for 2009!

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