Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wasteless Wednesday

Don't throw away those Christmas cards put in a bag along with your wrapping paper. Cut the front off and use as gift tags for next year. What to do with photo cards? We put them all in a photo album each year it is fun to then see how the familes change over the years. I love photo cards!

This is a photo of our Christmas Card display along the stairs. We have cards on both sides of the railing. The kids love to stop and look at them.

Here is a freebie for the first day of 2009 Free Chick-Fil-A chicken biscuit coupon on your next visit when you purchase something on January 1st. Enjoy!


  1. We put the cards in a basket on our kitchen table and take out one a day to pray for the family. Eventually, they get packed away to bring out and look at again. I like your photo album idea. Much more organized!! The cards look very pretty on your stair rail too.

  2. What a great idea to pray for each family. That is very special!


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