Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday

It is not always wasteful to splurge, if it is important to you then ask yourself "Is it Splurge Worthy?" Here are some of my favorite splurges. I save in some areas so I can still have my splurges that is how frugal is fabulous!

Vacuum- Dyson yes it does work better than my old Hoover. I don't spend money on filters and I vacuum almost everyday (3 kids).

Gym Membership- around here even the YMCA gyms are pricey. Shop around find the rates and don't get caught in the trap "This deal is only today" SO NOT TRUE. In college I worked at a health club. Also bring up the other rates they will price match.

Hair Cuts - absolutely for women! I had a horrible experience at a local hair school. Went in for a trim ended up with 7 inches gone. I don't highlight my hair because that is maintenance and is expensive. Gave that up when I had kids.

Diet Coke- no store brand can ever compare to this genius chemistry combination!

Vacations- just do it, plan and save for it. Even if you stay at a hotel a few hours away with a indoor pool for the kids. Time away from home and from the distractions is priceless and will form many memories! Of course search for a great deal!

Krispy Kreme Donuts- once a month we take the kids after church for "Hot Donuts Now". Of course we go all out, 2 dozen donuts and drinks for all of us (not water)

Babysitting for a date night with hubby- Enough said!!!

What do you like to splurge on?


  1. A pedi about every 6 weeks. It's not so much color on the toes, but the maintenance and the deep tissue leg and foot massage and the being alone for 45 minutes.

    Oddly enough- crayons. Rose Art is a overly waxy art instrument. Crayola is good quality and lasts long enough.

  2. Jeans - Gap Long & Lean they are by far my favorites {even over most of the designer jeans!}, they just fit me the best! So, I spend the 58 bucks to have them.

  3. I totally agree in so many areas. There are certain things that are SO splurge worthy! Mine are Diet Sunkist and Diet Mountain Dew. This stuff called "Emergen-C" that we put in our soda once a day, we SWEART it has kept us from getting colds in a LONG time. (its expensive tho) what else, date nights for us are a MUST. We never miss a date night, and we usually treat ourselves to a GOOD meal and dessert. ( which I OF COURSE save up Weight Watcher points for so I am not "cheating". Thanks for the fun blog Jen!

  4. Oh I love pedi's, Gap Jeans and date nights! Thank you for sharing. I am also going to buy some Emergen-C, thanks for the tip!

  5. I just realized I don't splurge on myself! My sister is a hairdresser so I always have a great cut and color; she's also a shop-a-holic so I get tons of high dollar hand-me-downs often! I guess I splurge on my kids. I love great clothes! So, I do shop around for the best deals possible, but when push comes to shove I buy the nice stuff (plus better quality). I always get my kids and hubby their favorite snack for the week at the store. And, in relation to Emergen-C, I give my kids Lil Critters Immune C immune boosters .. have kept my usually very sick 5 year old healthy as a horse this year despite lots of seasonal illnesses around here. He hasn't had as much as a cold. I'm thinking I need to do more for myself.

    I guess I do go with my BFF a couple of times a year for a weekend away. That's a splurge.

  6. Jen,
    I love and swear by my Dyson husband had to talk my cheap butt into it (haha).

    Good paint. Since I paint lots I have learned that you really should splurge on a good quality paint. On that note, a good primer goes a long ways too.

    Lia Sophia jewelry. It's really well made and has a lifetime warranty. Since I do what I can to dress up my hum-drum clothing for work, this jewerly is my saving grace.

    A good haircut. I, too, have tried to go the beauty school or cheap-place's just not worth it. A friend from high school cuts my hair and does a fabulous job...even if it does cost me $40 each time. I don't color or highlight my hair either, so $40 every 4-6 mths is worth it to me.

  7. Fancy coffee drinks (especially in the summer!) Iced lattes from Dunkin Donuts are my favorite!!!

    I'm having a hard time coming up with anything else that's particularly splurgy. I try to get myself things that feel fancy but don't come with the price tag (i.e. buying express pants at marshalls!) :)

    What a great post Jen! Hope you are having a good Wednesday!

  8. Just read everyone else's posts!
    I love pedi's too! But unfortunately, I don't get them very often... they are def a favorite splurge! I have one of those conair foot baths though... very relaxing! (Esp when I can get Ben to fill it up and set it up for me... ;)! )

  9. Getting my eyebrows waxed. I hate plucking them. I would rather her just rip it all out at once.

    On New Year's Day we went to back to back movies popcorn and all. that was a first and we really really enjoyed our day.

    We up and decided to go on a cruise last year. We splurged on going Scuba Diving and it was priceless!

  10. My splurge is haircut and highlight at a nice salon. My hair guy takes forever, so I get a lot of down time when I go in. I won't skimp on a haircut or color.

    I also love Starbucks. Joe gave me $100 worth of gift cards for Christmas (bought at Costco for $80 - how frugal!) and I love using them. Even if my favorite is the $2 cup of plain coffee. It's just so good!

  11. good shampoo & conditioner.
    that's a necessary splurge for me.

    good liquid coffee creamer. worth every penny.

    name brand oreos. "black & white tuxedo cookies" are so not the same.



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