Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesdays Tip

The old school way of getting things.... bartering! ( I am reposting about this for my new readers and to remind my veteran readers)

There is always something that you can do that others can't or don't want to do. Swap services. I hear some of you already, but what can I make? My answer think outside the box. Here are some easy ideas:
  • Ms. Betty Crocker: Cakes, cookies, casseroles. My favorite is making double of a recipe swap with a friend for a service they do. Example food for children's clothes.

  • Crafty Lady: Do you scrapbook, put a small book together for a friend. Sewing, painting, or jewelry making.

  • Organizing Junkie: Help a friend clean out a closet organize it for her. I need help with pantry!

  • Baby Lover: Babysitting

  • No skills?: Everyone, well almost, can clean do laundry.
What are my bartering skills? Painting and crafts. I have a side custom painting business and I do murals and paint furniture. What do I get in return just to name a few (yes you will see a theme stuff for my baby girl).....



Ultimate my Family Portrait Session! Shout Out Brandi, B4 Photography


  1. I came across your blog last week and I love it! Thank you for all of your tips and advice!!

  2. I've often traded out my skills for things for my family too (by the way...my skills are similar to yours...how cool is that?)

    I've traded art/cooking lessons for piano lessons for my daughter. I've traded painting for a Pottery Barn kitchen set (great bargain!!) I trade as much as I can and highly recommend it!

  3. Speaking of batering!!! LOL I have 2 projects for you if you are up to it!! Let me know!! Thanks girly!!! XOXO


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