Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wasteless Wednesday

I can't believe it is Wednesday already, this week is flying by.

My kids and husband love drinking bottled water when we are on the go. Any time we head for the mommy van they have to grab water out of the fridge. Stop wasting money on bottled water every week. After they finish wash in the dishwasher fill back up with new (tap) water or (filtered) water and put in the fridge. These bottles will last a couple months or so before you need new ones. It saves a little money and they can still grab them on the go. When the bottles are ready for the trash remember to recycle!


  1. I love this one:) I guess if you wanna go even more green is buy thermoses for each person so that you NEVER have to throw it away:)

  2. We have been doing this for a while. I buy bottled water when it is on sale real cheap and refill them. And it doesn't matter if my son leaves it somewhere. Which happens quite often! I call it reuse 'till we lose!


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