Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesdays Tips

Host a sweets exchange with friends this Christmas! This is a great way to add to your sweets collection, what is Christmas without a ton of cookies and other yummy treats? Here is how it works:

  • Each friend bakes 1/2 dozen sweets per person attending. If you have 10 people attending you need 5 dozen.
  • Wrap them up is 1/2 dozen to share, I love decorating cute little bags.
  • At the exchange bring a box or large bag and bring home your goodies!
  • We set some out in the cake stand and freeze the rest to pull out slowly over the next couple weeks.
  • Here are the cake balls I made. Not exactly perfectly round like the one's that bakerella makes.

My six to bring to the party. I got these cute little baskets for 50 cents. I put the cake balls in a plastic bag and tied curlies around the top.

Here are the some of the ladies in our neighborhood for our neighborhood Christmas sweets exchange. Carri and Kelly did a great job hosting this year. We had crafts and each of the sweets were laid out in different areas of her house. Great time!


  1. Sounds fun, but I don't need help puttin on the pounds LOL

  2. Have you seen that infomercial that has a pan bottom and top with half spheres in both sides? It makes anything and everything into balls! Muffins/pancakes/cake/brownies..... anything:) Aiden loves that commercial. That would make your cake balls perfectly round! I'll look that up for you:)

  3. Here it is:)
    I thought it had a top. You just let it cook on one side and then using a tool you flip it over to cook on the other side and it makes a ball!


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