Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Waste Wednesday

I am going to break my no waste rule. Sometimes you need to be wasteful. I am saying good-bye to the bottom of the bowl candy leftover from Halloween. It has developed a funky smell with all the mixed candy. If it didn't stink I could:
  • Top cupcakes with candy
  • Sprinkle in Stockings for Christmas
  • Break up chocolate bars and mix in cookies
  • Leave to eat on my sugar binges
  • Continue to load the kids up with sugar and visit the dentist with rotten teeth :)

Frugal Jen has decided to be wasteful for once Good - Bye Candy! Mommy's hips and tummy will miss you :) This jar was overflowing just a few weeks ago. What makes it smell funny anyways? Am I the only one who has this problem?

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