Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursdays Thanksgiving Tips

Thanksgiving is in 1 week! Lot's to do if you are having dinner at your house. Luckily this year we are off to my parents and Josh's moms side of the family. I am making pumpkin pie that is all. Yeah!

  • Most grocery stores offer free turkey deals. Watch for the ad's. I've never paid for a turkey always free! We usually get 2 (my husband gets one from work).
  • Keep your pretty china pretty and clean, just put a clear plastic (thick) plate over your china for dinner.
  • Serve your food buffet style, this reduces the stress.
  • Line your glass dishes with foil for easy clean up (this really works)
  • Make casserole ahead of time and heat up right before
  • Have everyone visiting bring a dish to help out the cook. Tell them what to bring so no duplicates.
  • Did your kids already make their own special place mats or place cards?
  • If you run across any empty butter containers or cool whip one's save for easy leftover storage.

1 comment:

  1. Great tips. I hadn't thought of some of those.

    Luckily we go to my grandmothers every year. I think I am bringing chicken nuggets for the kids LOL Not traditional, but kids are picky, at least mine are.


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