Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wasteless Wednesdays

As a mother of 3 children I love hand me downs or clothes swap especially for my younger kids. I love to shop at kids resale shops. A few in the DFW area are:
My very favorite way to get clothing is swapping! Madeline has recently gotten some great hand me downs from a few of my friends. It is like Christmas morning for mommy opening up the bags and seeing what we've got then trying them on the kids. So much fun! Thank you Shannon, Brandi and Jodi!!!

Ways to find clothing swaps, do you participate in a playgroup or have co-workers with children maybe a year older than yours? In exchange for some clothes why don't you make the other mom a batch of homemade cookies or a casserole dinner. Many moms simply give their old clothes to goodwill or sale them at a garage sale they are probably sitting in their closets or attics and they would love to pass them on and free up some much needed space.

Here is a photo of Madeline in one of her new outfits!


  1. I love the resale shops! We only have 2 down here and they aren't very good, but I do find some good stuff! Unfortunately, I don't have anyone that can hand me down to me! But, my best friend Michelle (Garland) has gotten all of Caroline's clothes and is now using them for her 2nd daughter....I think I have saved her a FORTUNE!!!!!

  2. i love hand-me-downs. pretty much all of my kiddo's clothes are someone else's :) i wish we had some better thrift stores around here :(

  3. I forgot to post we are looking for boys size 5 winter and girls size 18 month winter!

  4. There are some really good consignment sales that happen too is a favorite of mine. You can google consignment sales in your area and find some really good ones.


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