Friday, October 24, 2008

Freebie Friday

Welcome to freebie Friday! If you find any freebies for me to post on Fridays let me know. Also comment when you get some of your free sample in the mail. Don't you love getting free things in the mail?

This is the best freebie if you have kids! A free custom letter from Santa. I already signed up for my kids.

Here is another freebie contest from glamRbaby
Post in her comments area when you sign up you found her from Frugal Fabulous!

Get a free reusable tote bag free! A girl can never had too many bags!

Free sample of Tide total care. I used a sample of this product it was the best smelling detergent ever! I think it was refreshing rain smelled like a day spa.

Get a free sample of granola. This brand is yummy!

Wal-Mart is having events this weekend with freebies, and tips for your family. Find out if a store near you is participating. (Thank you Coupon Mama for this freebie)


  1. Another FREE coffee, this time by mail. Check to make sure samples are still available. They only have the Dark avaialble due to high demand.

  2. Thank you! I signed up for my free coffee. There is nothing better than checking the mail box and getting a free sample. I got my first free sample of mashed potatos the other day. YUM!

  3. Taco Tuesday, check blog for details ;)


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