I absolutely love free decorating ideas! I get giddy when I see an idea and immediately go home and do it myself.
This weekend we ate dinner with some friends at their incredibly decorated and cozy home.
She accessorized a candle with old earrings and charms. What a great idea!
She accessorized a candle with old earrings and charms. What a great idea!
So I came home and found these old earrings I NEVER wear. Put them on a candle and viola it gave it a little "pow".
Take a look at the pair! This is on the wall in my kitchen. I found this floral arrangement in Canton. I got it for my birthday 3 years ago, doesn't it just scream I live in Texas? Thanks mom!
Watch out all my candles will be accessorized!
AWESOME! I love it! You're so funny! I'm assuming there a lot of fake flowers in Texas? :)
Wow! That's great! Sure beats those REALLY EXPENSIVE candle spikes we saw the night of our blogging party, huh? I, too, will be on the hunt for gaudy earrings. What a fun gift to give, too!!
That's a great idea!
What a cute idea. I have a bunch of hand-me-down earrings from relatives that are pretty but not "me" to wear. This is a great way to showcase them.
Ooooooo Canton!! I was just there for the First. Time. Ever. recently and now MUST go back ASAP and get a floral arrangement that screams "I live in Texas!!!!"
I can't believe the difference that earring makes! And now? I've got some nekkid candles laying around that need accessorizing. Thanks for the great tip!
That's such a great idea!
I love that idea! I am going to look at my earrings right now!
Fantastic idea!
Hey Jen! Great idea share with the earrings! Very impressive! :) Hope all is well with you and yours! ~CC Catherine from "Catherine de th`e Cups"
What a great idea! How come I never thought of that? It makes that dollar store candle look like you got it a boutique.
Gorgeous! Now I wish I would have kept all those 80's earrings. :)
I'll be looking for some pretty vintage ones like yours instead!
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