Friday, June 8, 2012

Big News!

We are thrilled to announce that we are expecting baby #5 in December!

I am 9 weeks along. I had my first appt today and the baby is measuring right on time and was very active moving around. The Dr was surprised at the activity and said "This is one healthy baby".

We had long conversations and lots of prayers about expanding our family.

We had a rough pregnancy with #4. We met with several different OBGYN's to get opinions about the possibility. They all agreed it was fine and they would proceed with progesterone shots early to avoid the pre-term contractions.

It's a little unorthodox in today's world to have 5 kids but as you know we live outside the square box.

I've gotten some great and some negative responses. I look at it that every child is a gift from God and I thank him to entrusting 5 little souls to my care.


  1. Congratulations! I think it's great! Children are a blessing from the Lord!

  2. Congratulations!!! I just found out we're expecting #5 on Monday. I'm terrified! And worried about what people's reactions will be. Including my parents'. But I guess it's time to buckle up and enjoy the ride. Good luck!

  3. Congratulations!!!! I think it is so wonderful! I am hoping we will have similar news sometime this year as well.

  4. Children are always a blessing. Have a wonderful pregnancy and don't worry what anyone says. I bet your husband and other children are overjoyed!

  5. I'm so so excited but then again I truly admire your round box;) you've got 4 wonderful little ones who will be amazing siblings to lucky #5!


  6. Congratulations!!! As a mama of four, I'm so envious of you (I would adore having another one). Wishing you a safe and uneventful pregnancy! And indeed, children are such a blessing!! :-)

  7. Congratulations!!!! I am expecting #2 on 12-25! You are so very right- babies are gifts from the Lord and are to be celebrated and loved!!!!!

  8. So happy for you and Josh, Jen! I am praying that you have a healthy pregnancy (and that Will gets that brother!) I am done having children but living vicariously through my sister (who is due in 4 weeks) and my brother who is having his first child in October. I am, right at this minute, taking a break from painting my new niece's nursery. So much fun!!!

  9. you got negative responses?!! wth?! congrats yall! yall do a great job as parents from what i've read on your blog the past few years and i've always admired how you can do it with 3....then 4....and now with 5! i can barely keep it together with my 2 so kudos to yall and best of luck with the pregnancy!

  10. Congrats Jen! I think it is fantastic!

  11. oops, "Parrish" is my blogger name, it's Mandi Hooper in the comment above. :)

  12. How exciting! Your such a great mom and you kids are so wonderful, your new blessing will be so loved. When we have negative responses about having four and we just smile and think about how beautiful life is. Someone at church actually said "your kids are beautiful and so well behaved but you should stop having them" WHAT??? Who says that?

  13. I can't believe you've gotten negative responses. Crazy. Congrats to you, sweets. I'm so happy for y'all!

  14. Congratulations! I'm a quiet fan, but a fan nonetheless and I think baby #5 will be a very lucky baby to be able to join your family. Congrats! And I hope its smooth sailing from here on out!


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