Sunday, May 6, 2012

Special Day

Yesterday was a special day for our son.

He has been preparing this year for his first Holy Communion.
 In our faith it's a very special day to celebrate.

We even got a family photo all together and smiling!
Yes, my teenager is much taller than me.
I'm so proud of family.

William is finishing up his 2nd grade year and has grown up way too fast.
He's so handsome and has a very kind heart.

I have to share something that happened this year at school:

I received an email from a mom thanking me for raising a good son. As parents we usually hear the bad and seldom hear the good behavior things.

A little boy was harrasing this sweet little girl in class. She was very upset daily so much so the mother had to say prayers with her each day to help her (heart- breaking).

One day this boy was calling her names and my son went over and told him to leave her alone and stood up for her. Then my son went and told the teacher.

When she got home she told her mom that William stood up to him and it made her feel much better and realized it was going to be ok and she was able to shrug it off.

When I read it I cried with joy, my son is actually listening to what we are teaching him! This email was much better than hitting a homerun at a baseball game. This is true character!

I am so very proud of this sweet boy! Please slow down growing up, I'm not ready.


  1. That is so sweet of William to protect that little girl. He will make a great husband and daddy someday! AND he's handsome too!

    Love the family picture!

  2. What a beautiful family you have! And what a lovely story about your precious son. God is so good and You are very blessed!

  3. What a special day (and a special boy!)

  4. Yes, much better than a home run, although that's pretty awesome too! You have raised a wonderful young, you have much to be proud of!


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