Monday, April 9, 2012

Time to Celebrate

Spring time so many things to celebrate!
Easter was an anticipated celebration in our home.
After the 40 days of lent and no desserts the kids were overjoyed and filled with treats.
I didn't get a photo before church when the girls had bows and Will had on his church pants. But here are the kids about to head out to lunch with the grandparents.
This little girl cracks me up. She should be called "Miss Independent". She wants to do everything herself. She likes to eat with her long baby spoons. Lots of messes!
Another celebration was our oldest daughters 15th birthday.
In our new town they have these signs up in the middle of town that kids paint for birthdays and special occasions.
It's a mark we're officially residents Katelyn's birthday was annoucened on the sign. Her sweet friend Elizabeth painted it for her. What a great friend and talented artist!
Here is Kate and her pretty friends for her birthday party. These girls are a ton of fun! It reminded me of my teenage sleepover days.
They pigged out on junk food, took a ton of photos, decorated pillowcases and headed off to a late showing of the Hunger Games. Sleep time, what's that??

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