Friday, March 23, 2012

Our family Circus

Hello visitors from Kelly's Korner. These are my 4 beautiful kiddos. We have a 15 year old, 8, 4, and 19 months. These are the members of our circus. This is our family nickname.
Anywhere and at anytime we're bound to give you a show.
The little girls are double trouble, they remind me of the doublemint twins. They look a like even though they are 2 years apart. Caroline has gotten Mommy's stop that look down early.
Our 2 oldest Kate and Will are tons of fun. Kate's our dancer and Will is our all-star athlete. His nickname is "homerun Will". They've outgrown the picking at each other and get along really well. I think they gang up against double trouble.
Madeline the 4 year old is the spunky girl. Seriously one of the funniest kids. She says the craziest things.
Here we are all polished and fixed up. One of my best friends Adrien who's a photographer took this family photo for us last year.
Most of our photos end up like this. It's hard to get everyone to smile and look at once. Dad even said "Look I see Ariel, it's didn't work"
Many people ask why we have such big age gaps. I tell them I wouldn't have it any other way. We've had time to enjoy each child as a baby and they all interact very well together. We never have to pay for a babysitter although we don't do date nights very often since we moved out to the country about 25 minutes from the city.
Every Sunday night we have family night. It's a highlight of our week. We make a big dinner then play a game. We also unplug our phones and turn off the computer so we can stay focused.
A family favorite is the game of "Life". We get very competitive. Don't worry in the photo above that's my wine not my 4 year olds!
I grew up as an only child and our next door neighbors had 4 kids. I told my mom "It's not fair they go home and still get to play". Now I know it's true!
It brings me so much joy seeing the children interact together. I won't lie it's stressful and we don't have much down time but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Thanks for visiting and meeting our circus!


  1. Stopping by from Kelly's Korner! Your kids are adorable! That family picture is gorgeous! I was the oldest of 4 like you daughter, and I just have to say that I LOVED it! Even my youngest sister, who is 12 years younger, and I are super close - even though her college application process is wearing me down!

    Following you now!

  2. Glad to be a new follower from kelli's Korner. I was one of four growing up with a big age span and now have 5 with a slightly smaller span...glad to be a new follower!

  3. What a pretty family! I found you from Kelly link up and enjoyed reading.

  4. Coming by from Kelly's Korner. Fun family! I have four too - ranging from 13 to 4. And there's rarely a dull moment!! Enjoyed your post!

  5. That is a great family picture-beautiful children! I have a couple sets of "double trouble" myself, lol.


  6. Oh my gosh...Caroline is so big!!! We miss seeing y'all on a regular basis.


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