Sunday, January 29, 2012

I need this as a ring tone

I've been going through old digital photos and videos. I came across this taken back in 2007. It's my Madeline as a baby laughing.

This is the sweetest sound ever!

You can't help but smile!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh, my gosh... you got it right in stating that watching that has got to make you smile. I love William's cameo, too. :) Thanks for sharing!


    P.S. I deleted my previous comment because I made a typo... sorry.

  3. Oh my goodness I think we could all use that as a ringtone. There is no way anyone can listen to that without smiling!

    She is such a doll!!!

    Ps...Thank you for your sweet words on my last post!


  4. Sweet! I wonder what makes kids laugh like this for no reason. If only we could do the same more often. :-)


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