Monday, October 3, 2011

Menu Monday

I forgot what a schedule was like...

We're back on Menu Monday.

Country living doesn't mean no evening activities it just means we drive futher to get there. However I LOVE the drive. It's beautiful driving in rural areas with no traffic. We see many sunsets and beautiful bluff views.

Ok on to food:

Monday: Grilled Burritos (yeah a night at home!)

Tuesday: Frozen Pizza (baseball practice)

Wednesday: Crock Pot Brisket, come and go (youth group)

Thursday: Leftover BBQ (Dance and baseball practice)

Friday: Burgers at home with a movie night... relax from the busy week

Gotta share some decorating and I need ideas. This is our casual dining off the kitchen. I'm looking for fabric for a valance.

I'm stuck on what to do on the back wall. I don't like the mirror it doesn't seem to go there. I'm looking for a country idea. Any ideas?

This is our oldest daughter who seems to be missing from blog posts. I'm so proud of her. She's adjusted great from the move. She's got a great group of new friends. This past weekend she went to homecoming, the dance and also had a slumber party with new friends. She's a busy girl.


  1. I totally feel your pain with always running around! We have soccer two nights a week at least around here its crazy to meal plan around it

  2. You could replace the mirror with an old window. I always use windows and shutters on the walls. And don't you have a set of shutters you aren't using right now? That would be cute and countryish.

    Kate is so cute! I am glad she is having so much fun there!

  3. Beautiful! I am loving the idea of hanging a curtain rod high, then hanging photos from ribbon off of the rod. Hope I explained it so you know what I am talking about! I also love hanging old windows- I have one in my eating area in our kitchen right now!

  4. Back to a schedule...that's what I'm working on now that we are back from vacation! I have a menu made through Thursday...I feel like I've accomplished so much! :)


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