Friday, October 21, 2011

Dining Room Progress

I've been so busy I've neglected the blog a bit.

I underestimated the amount of time I would be busy.

This is our dining room taken this morning. I'm slowly picking out decor.

Something funny has happened to me, I actually like the gold accents.

Call me 90's Jen but I really like it. A year ago I would spray paint in Oil Rubbed Bronze.

I see some tall tablescaping in the future too.

We've had the hardwood floors refinished twice, yep twice.

Seems our inlay was week and required some replacement. Didn't want anyone stepping through our floors.

You can see in the below photo the floors before we did the 1st round. The wood was a little light for our taste.

We've been busy.

Gone is the wall paper.

We put white bead board and had the walls textured to match the rest of the house.

The floors got a dark refinishing.

This is my favorite part the chunky molding.

It's been easy to get overwhelmed because there is so much to do. Our last house was completely done decorating wise.

It's exciting and fun to pick out new items although I'm a little impatient because I can't buy it all at once.


  1. It looks great! I prefer dark wood floors over light wood. I have to admit I've sort of been liking gold accents weird! I do everything in oil rubbed bronze and have been leaning toward a lot of gold lately. I haven't bought any yet, but I sure keep eying them!

  2. Your house is so pretty! We got our bookshelves in this weekend. We'll have to have y'all over soon!!


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