Monday, August 15, 2011

We actually did it!

This is a view from our back porch to the left.
We closed on the new house on Friday. It's really ours, I can't believe we did it. We actually did it!

I'm a country girl!

We spent the weekend working on the land (my husband and son did). The girls and I picked out fun paint colors for their rooms. I remember how much I don't like painting a whole room.

I prefer murals and fun stuff. Photos coming soon of the progress.

We had the most simple moments out at the house. I was painting looking out of the window and saw 2 of the kids playing and running in the backyard. 10 acres is a lot more than our previous 1/4 acre lot.

It was a simple moment where I just smiled and knew this was the right decision.

Each night when it was time to drive back to our home in the city the little one's cried and didn't want to leave.

In 2 short weeks we will close on our house in the city and we will be all moved.

Our oldest daughter when to "Fish Camp" at the high school. She had a blast and even met a girl who is new they hit it right off. God answered a simple prayer request from me, a friend for her to sit with at lunch. This girl and Kate have the same lunch and 4 classes together.

I'm learning when things are meant to be... all the details just fall into place and your left with peace.


  1. I am so happy for you! I can't wait for all my pieces to fall into place :)

  2. Congratulations! I was wondering if everything got done. I'm very happy for Kate. I hope she has a great year!

  3. I feel so happy for you and your family! I am so excited for Kate too. That is great news! Can't wait to see more pictures!

  4. My heart just swells! I cannot wait to come visit! So glad for answered prayers for Kate! I know that was so stressful for everyone and it's nice to start fresh with a friend!

    Much love! Jenny

  5. Praise God for answered prayers!! So happy for you all.

  6. Yea! That is awesome. So happy for you. We actually JUST sold our house too. A few weeks ago, happened when we were out of town not worrying about it :) We found our dream home too (still in suburbs) and move in just after labor day. Your house looks gorgeous. Congrats!


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