Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Moving Sale

If you live in the DFW area and want to hit a summer garage sale this Friday we're having one. It's a big moving sale! Email me and I'll send you the info.

So I guess you can tell we are moving.... long story but a very exciting one!

Last spring we decided to move to the country. We found some houses we loved but they went under contract and a deal on our house fell through.

Wow, things have changed. One of the houses we loved came back on the market their deal feel through and we got it!!! We're working on something on our home now just after 2 weeks on the market.

Lot's of big changes. My blog is going to change.

I see things a bit more like the pioneer women but more green acres! I'll be living on a small ranch. We're going to raise animals and garden. My husband will still be wearing a suit to the city each day. When he gets home he will put on his boots and hop on his new John Deere tractor. Seriously... he is!

The first posts will be at the beginning of September once we've moved and I have computer access.

In the meantime, the city girl is exiting the concrete jungle...... to a new life in the country.


  1. oh my goodness! How exciting for you! I cant wait to hear all about it!

  2. All the best and updates us about your new life soon!

  3. Yay! So happy for you Jen! You are SO gonna love the country!!!

  4. P.S. You should enter my giveaway! You could make moving announcements!

  5. YAY!! My kidlets are ACHING to come play in the fresh air!

  6. Really?!? I hope it all goes smoothly!

  7. Hey Jen, I would love to get your address to come to the sail. My email is muneca1230@tx.rr.com. Congrats on the move to the country. I am jealous!!!

  8. Oh my goodness. I mispelled sale and put "sail" instead. Too early in the am for me!


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