Monday, April 11, 2011

Menu Monday

Can you believe there is only 7 weeks left of school? Where did the time go?? My kids are starting a Disney World countdown. Even though we are moving we decided to keep the Disney trip.

Let's talk food....

Monday: Spaghetti and Meatballs

Tuesday: Make Your Own Sandwich or Hot Dog(Busy night with b-ball practice and dance)

Wednesday: Santa Fe Casserole from Philadelphia Cooking Creme Sample (let you know about this one)

Thursday: Freezer Raid, Chili from my frozen stash. Gotta get rid of the winter foods.

Friday: Lenten Fish Fry

Saturday: Out to eat, late baseball game

Sunday: Family Night Dinner, Chicken Parmigiana and spaghetti


  1. christy aka survivorApril 11, 2011 at 6:38 PM

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  2. Thanks so much for sharing your menu plan! I always love getting new ideas!

    Here's our menu plan and batch cook for this week:


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