Thursday, March 31, 2011

Smells like cake!

Nothing smells better than baking at home. However, my waist doesn't allow cake each week.

I was blog browsing last week and came across this.

For a while I've been wanting a scentsy warmer, but just never got around to getting one.

Well leave it to Wally World to make a knock off. Here's my faux scentsy warmer. It was $15 and the bricks are $2 each. It makes my house smells as if I I made this..... (cake for my dear friends baby shower) and this..... (cake for my oldest daughters birthday)
YUM!!! If you know me in real life I'm a bakery girl.

Why doesn't the cake smell stop my cake cravings????

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spray Painting Knobs Update

This post has been one of my most popular. I get emails each week asking how they held up. Well let me show you.... Not so well.... because I eliminated one little step. Spraying the backside of the handle. It led way to chips and scratches.
Since our house is on the market it was time to refresh.
I pulled out my trust ORB spray paint. It's been a while I missed you.

Much better! Nice and fresh.

Remember it's 1990's glory gold?
I also refreshed the kitchen and bath door pulls. After daily wear and tear a quick refresher coat was necessary.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Big News

I've been MIA a bit. We've got a ton going on. The big news is....

We're moving! That is if we can sell our house.

This might be a surprise to some people but we've been talking about it for a while, really more like daydreaming.

We love our current home but it's not the one we picture growing old in. It does make me sad after we finally got the built-in's installed.

When we bought the house 4 years ago we figured we'd stay about 5 years. Well time crept up really fast.

So where are we going?

Big changes! We're moving to a smaller town and planning to buy some land (acres). This is the home we plan to grow old and have the grand kids visit(a long time from now). I guess you could say our dream home. This time it's not so much about the house it's the property. You can always change the house. You can't change the land it's on. So land is #1.

So my blog will change at bit in the near future.
I plan to take you along on the journey and the process of moving.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Time Favorite

Nothing says spring in the south more than sweet tea.
Particularly I LOVE crystal light peach tea.

If you haven't tried some check it out.

My feed burner account is flipping out and has sent some old posts out. I have no idea what's up. I apologize for any junk mail.

Today the high is 74. I'm looking forward to a nice spring break with the kids next week. Looks like we have beautiful sunny weather. We're sticking around town to just relax.

What are you doing for spring break?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Free FryDay

Chick-fil-A, oh how wonderful your freebies are.
Stop by your local Chick-fil-A and mention your here to try the new Heinz dip and squeeze ketchup. Then you will receive..... Fried potato bliss and liquid gold (ketchup).

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Congrats to comment #18 Rebecca O you are the winner of the $15 CSN gift card!
Please email me for the info
Thank you to my wonderful readers who entered.