Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I lost 2 lbs easy.....

I didn't exercise at all last week. I ate some high calorie meals. I stayed at the house and lounged around while my son had the flu.

I still managed to loose 2 pounds! How, this little baby each morning..... I replaced my slim fast bars for fiber one bars. Let me tell you, they are delicious!!!

So how did I loose weight? Well the added fiber to my diet well.... it helped my digestion. I saw this tip of adding fiber to your diet from Dr. Oz. Have you watched Dr. Oz? Love this show! He educates on so many health topics. I'm hoping he takes the Oprah 4:00 spot next season. Bummer I miss 1/2 the show getting the kids from school.

It worked! It's only 2 pounds but it's a step closer to get me off my plateau weight.


  1. I eat those for breakfast too! They are yummy!

  2. I need more fiber in my diet as I need to regulate I will hold on to weight..Im gonna try these

  3. Congrats on the weight loss! We just got a free sample of a Fiber One Bar with our newspaper and I can't wait to try it.


  4. I LOVE those bars!! They make a great afternoon snack, too :)

  5. I haven't tried them yet but was just telling a friend last night when she asked about a good bar that they say they are pretty good and healthy! I LOVE Dr. Oz! I love how he will research both sides to any topic, good and bad, and lay it out for all to see.


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