Monday, January 10, 2011

Menu Monday

I enjoy looking back at photos of past projects. This morning I stumbled across this photo.

Have you ever changed something then you want to kick yourself and undo the change? Well I painted this in the playroom before it was Madeline's room. I got frustrated and painted over it! What was I thinking?

At least I can enjoy the photo right?

On to food....

Monday: The BEST crock pot Chicken Tortilla Soup EVER! I LOVE this stuff!!

Tuesday: Leftover soup (if we have leftovers) with grilled cheese sandwiches. If no leftovers then we have grilled panini's with turkey and provolone cheese.

Wednesday: Mini Meatloaf with a side of Sweet Potato Fries

Thursday: Leftovers and Salad

Friday: Make Your Own Pizza


  1. Hi Jen ,I love your menus and glad to see you are posting them ,I would love to try this soup ,but am not sure what Picante sauce is ,will need to research mayby we have substitute in Sydney:)

  2. Picante sauce is the same thing as salsa. We love it in Texas!

  3. This is definately soup weather!!!

  4. The soup sounds great! We will be having it tomorrow night! I love your Menu Mondays, keep them coming!


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