Monday, January 24, 2011

Menu Monday & Homemade Crouton

A good friend of mine owns a bread company.
Let me tell you.... they make some fabulous bread!
We were over for a playdate and what does she pull out and make with leftover bread from the bakery? Homemade croutons.
We all ate them up for a yummy snack.
Let me share how easy they are to make:
  1. Take some bread and slice into squares
  2. Toss with EVOO and sprinkle with garlic salt and mix
  3. Bake for 15ish minutes at 375They are heavenly, easy and cheap!
    Now on to dinner time, we have a mexican food theme. I didn't really plan it this way these things just sounded good.

Monday: Frozen Stouffers Cheese and Bean Enchiladas with side salad and homemade croutons.

Tuesday: Grilled Sandwiches with a side of leftover Taco Soup

Wednesday: Spaghetti and Meatballs with a side salad

Thursday: Clean out the freezer and fridge meals... who knows?

Friday: Pizza Buffet. I discovered California Pizza Kitchen pizza's at the grocery store... yum! I get a veggie, supreme, and speciality and we have our own buffet. The pizza's run about $5 each but for $15 it's still cheaper than hitting the real deal.

Saturday: Taco Night

Sunday: Kung Pao Chicken with Veggies. I use the wanchi ferry meal kit and add in a package of mixed veggies.


  1. Mmmm! What a great use for older bread! How long do you think they'd keep?

    Here's our menu for the week:

  2. I love homemade crutons!!

    I have my giveaway up on my site now.


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