Monday, November 1, 2010

Mothers United in Christian Homes

I'm working on a new blog called Mothers United in Christian Homes. The more I've been reading Gods word and praying the more I know I'm being called to share. Anyone want to design the header and blog design?

Our family is tested on a daily basis in normal every day situations to stand up for the morality of our children. My husband and I often laugh because it's ridiculous. Now I see some of the reason is for experience to share with others. We could have our own crazy reality show.

I feel very called to share my inspirations in raising Christan children for Christian mothers. We are living in a world where our children are loosing morality rapidly. The worldly things are taking over our homes and children.

I'm not a radical type of mom just a traditional one that raises my children to love Jesus and follow the 10 commandants. My kids go to public schools, I try to be fashionable, I enjoy decorating. I'd say I'm the typical suburban mom. The main difference is we try to live our lives the way Jesus calls us to. I fall short but I try really hard. This is something people have been doing for ages. It's quite simple but's it's been lost and moms act more like "Cougars" or "Real Housewives" than good Christian mothers.

Today in 2010 we have so many different Christian based religions. I'm Roman Catholic but I was raised Southern Baptist. They share one very big common theme Jesus. Satan wants us to believe we are all so different that way we get distracted and don't join forces for the good. We're trying to "save" each other. When really we need to focus on saving our children and teach them good strong morals.

I see so many people are focused on saving others and getting others to change religions or religious labels. We've lost focus on living our lives like Jesus and raising good, moral and Christian children. We're caught up in things, money, and the newest and latest gadgets.

My vision is a place where moms that are Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, LDS, Presbyterian, Non-Denomination, and all the other Christian religions can join forces to save the morality of our children. Let's put aside the differences and have a common goal of getting our families to heaven.

I plan to share our daily struggles and challenges. God is putting so many things in our path I know others are encountering them to.

So what do you think? Have I lost my mind? I hope you follow along on this crazy journey.


  1. Silly, you know I'll design it for you! Just email me!

  2. I think it's a great idea--exactly something I've been looking for! Love it! (And I'm not a weirdo or anything, either! Ha!)

  3. What a wonderful thing to do: unite Christian Mothers everywhere in the battle against the evil influences that threaten our home and family! We all need to know that we are not alone!

  4. I'm pressing the imaginary facebook "like" button right now.

  5. Hi! I have been following your blog for some time but have never commented. I have 3 children, ages 5, 21 mos, and 11 weeks. (We were due at similar times this year but your Sweet Caroline came early.) I would be very interested in your new blog idea and am interested in hearing more about your challenges and how you have faced them! -Lauren

  6. Quite a challenge you're giving yourself, but I'm confident you can do it. I'm sure there are many out there who will support you and many more who need to read what you have to share. Best of luck.

  7. I think it's a wondeful idea! You are soo not crazy. I've already gone over to the blog and became a follower. Can't wait to read more!

  8. Great idea....will definitely follow it!

  9. I LOVE it! I am Presbyterian and my church is reading a book by Borg called, "The Heart of Christianity". I too have been praying for such a coming together! We need more coming together. I can't wait to see it!

  10. Great idea...not crazy at all! :)


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