Monday, November 8, 2010

Menu Monday

We had a great weekend jammed packed full of activities. I don't know about you but I look forward to Mondays. During the weekend the schedule is out the door. Mondays bring me peace and a quiet home while the big kids are at school.

Monday: Spaghetti and Meatballs

Tuesday: Grilled Burritos... I love, love love these! It's been way too long. Remember we just get big ole tortillas and fill with rice, black beans, meat, cheese. Then we throw them on the George Foreman grill. Top with salsa and sour cream.

Wednesday: Make Your Own Pizza

Thursday: Out for a work dinner. Yeah, for dinner with no little one's!

Friday: I have no idea... I think we're going to purge the freezer for some old meals.

What is your favorite homemade meal?

My favorite homemade meal is Enchiladas.


  1. I have to tell you, we love your grilled burritos, too! I tried them one time when you blogged about them over a year ago, and they have become a staple in our house! Everyone gets the fillings they like, and they are so yummy! Thanks for this great idea!

  2. I would have to say our favorite homemade meal is Steak Tampiquena. It's so easy to make and you can use any steak to do it. My husband loves it and you can make it less spicy so the kids can enjoy it too!

  3. Our favorite homemade meal is tortilla soup! It is a mexican favored soup served over rice and topped with jack cheese, fried corn tortilla strips, avocados and cilantro! Been making it for YEARS!


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