Sunday, September 26, 2010

Not So Frugal Jen

If you've been reading for a while you know this past year has been a crazy one. The one thing to fly right out the door was frugality. Yes, I am here to admit I'm not so frugal. Sigh.....

I've been grocery shopping without coupons and giving into every whim to buy a product. Hey, did you know eating healthy and with fresh ingredients is more expensive? Well I hope to find a way to save eating fresh and healthy.

The reason I started this blog was to chronicle my journey of spending less and still living fabulously. We have the means to live a more expensive lifestyle but we choose to live BELOW our means. Why, well we enjoy splurging on things like vacations and frankly not carrying a ton of debt. My husband is a investment consultant so we practice what he preaches. Let me tell you we've come along way. I'm a reformed shopaholic. I even struggle today.

Yes, we've been battling the urge to buy our "dream home". It's a struggle when you see your friends in these big house and fancy cars and you know you could afford it too but you choose not to. That is hard, very hard. We are trying to teach our children that life is not about material possessions so what would that teach them if we suddenly switched gears. It wouldn't be true to who I am inside either. I've found money doesn't bring happiness, remember we don't take any of the "stuff" with us. God has never called anyone to stock up on possessions and live life on earth like a king. It's quite the opposite. I try to keep that perspective when I feel bad and want to shop. I think God is calling me to be true to myself and I know what the right thing to do is. Those who know us in real life know we seem to go the opposite way of society norms. My 13 year old is one of the few who doesn't have a cell phone, cannot text and doesn't have a facebook. Call me old fashioned...

So what is my point? Well I'm ready to refocus.

  • I've got to get the grocery bill down and keep the meals healthy.
  • I desperately need a new wardrobe. I'm hoping to have some guest posts on mixing and matching outfits.
  • Christmas is coming and I want to make some great crafty items for family and friends.
  • Then there is the house. Decorating on a budget is fun. We've got some carpentry projects we are using a contractor for. Sometimes it's better to pay to get it done right the first time.


  1. We have never lived beyond our means and I will say that a lot of times the people that have a lot of 'stuff' are living beyond theirs. You just keep doing what you are doing. After 19 years of marriage, we are in a great place and it is from NOT keeping up with the Jones!

  2. I dont know if you have ever visited this blog but they have SO many tutorial projects and ideas for pretty cheap...

  3. Oooh ooh ooh...our bible study focus last week was just this subject...don't you just love when He finds a way to shout at you in all aspects of your life. ANyhow our verse was Romans 12:2- Do not be conformed to this world but transformed by the renewing of your mind.

    Pretty fact I stuck it to my door so I have to read it every time we leave the house...definitely helps me keep reality in check! Miss you!

  4. Great post. Good luck with your attempts. I'll be interested in your wardrobe choices. I think yard sales are over for the summer, but I've finally managed to lose weight and need some clothes. Goodwill has been my shopping outlet, but I'd like to do better than $3.50 an item.

  5. Good for you!!!! It is so great to hear that others have chosen to live below their means and not give in to the "keeping up with the Joneses" mentality. Keep it up girl!


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