Monday, September 20, 2010

Menu Monday

I had all intentions of posting Caroline's room last week but got sidetracked. That's an easy task for me. Hopefully I will do that this week.

P90X update: Husband has lost 20 pounds! I've lost 0 now. Went for my 6 week postpartum and went up. Dr. says it's because I'm not sleeping and stressed. That combo = weight gain. I will continue to do the workout but I'm not going to stress about missing a day.

Monday: Mini Meatloaf (Thanks Christi T.), Sweet Potato Fries
1 1/2 pound of ground turkey, 2 eggs, 3/4 cup of Italian bread crumbs, 1/3 cup parm cheese, 1 bottle of BBQ Sauce (1/2 for topping)

Mix all and grease muffin pan bake 375 for 30 minutes and top with remaining BBQ.

Tuesday: Make Your Own Deli Sandwich

Wednesday: Grilled Chicken Tostato's

Thursday: Slow Cooker Tex-Mex Chicken over Rice

Friday: Make Your Own Flatbread Pizza

My new thought... life is too short to not enjoy your meal. We're eating our regular favorites but we're reducing the fat.

I think I'd rather have some extra weight on my hips than be skinny and hungry!


  1. Oh boy do I ever feel your pain! I've been working out (really working out!) for 2 weeks, eating less than 1500 calories/day and haven't lost a single pound! My husband claims a 6 pound weight loss after 4 days! What the heck!?! - I'll keep plugging along and this time I will not weigh myself anymore - it's just too depressing :(

  2. We missed Josh after church Sunday. We kept looking for him, but couldn't find him. Hope the baby is feeling better! Can't wait to see you guys!

  3. I'm on the weight-loss train as can follow my journey here
    I'm sure once your body gets over the shock a little more of having just reached your 6-week mark things will start to change. Have you tried Its easy to use and keeps you accountable because you can see exactly where your at.
    Love your blog, keep up the good work!


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