Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's a ........


Caroline Joy arrived Friday morning at 9:37 am. She weighed 5 lbs 10 oz an was 19 1/4 inches long. She immediately cried and showed us how great her lungs were. Our answered prayer of 36 weeks and no NICU was answered. Little Caroline is completely healthy and beautiful.

We got home from the hospital today. Once I have time tomorrow I will upload some photos and tell more of the details of my NATURAL delivery. Yes, I said natural but not on purpose.

Off to hold my new little sweetie.

Thank you all for your prayers. God is good, and he carried me through the last 10 weeks culminating with a healthy baby girl.


  1. Congrats Jen and family! Can't wait to see photos!

  2. Congratulations Jen on your precious bundle of joy! Now we get to see all of the cute little girly things you come up with:-)

  3. I'm so excited for you Jen! I cannot wait to hold that precious princess!

  4. how exciting! oh, i could do it again in a heartbeat! except that part about chris going to the dr. for the snip-snip!! i guess only if its god's will.....

    congrats and cant wait to see pic's?


  5. Yay!!! I've been reading along, anxiously awaiting this little one!

    So happy for you and your family. Many congrats!

  6. SO SO Excited for Caroline...and now very grateful I followed that instinct to go ahead and make the tiny bow:) I'm sure there are more in her future and I can't wait to get a hold of that sweet precious blessing!

  7. So excited for you all! Can't wait to see pictures.

  8. Yay! I'm glad everything went okay and you have a healthy baby girl!! Can't wait to see pics. Take care!

  9. So grateful every thing went well! Congratulations on your new little bundle of happiness.

  10. congratulations on your sweet baby girl! can't wait to see pics!!

  11. Praise to God indeed! Congratulations on a healthy baby girl - looking forward to seeing your pics!

  12. I'm so happy for y'all!!! God has truly blessed all of you! I can't wait to see pics of sweet Caroline!

    P.S. I love the name :)

  13. Congratulations! I can't wait to see pictures of your little miracle! Get some rest.

  14. Congrats again! Waiting for those pictures!!!

  15. Congratulations and Happy BIRTHday Baby Caroline! :)

  16. Welcome Caroline!! Congrats Jen and the entire Rudd family :)

  17. CONGRATS JEN!!!! I am so so happy for you!! Her name is just beautiful. And I can't wait to hear your birth story....I too am a member of the "natural but not on purpose" club. Aren't we lucky? (Hold on a sec while I wipe up that sarcasm I just dropped.... :)

  18. Congrats on your new, sweet girl! :) I can't wait to hear your story!

  19. Oh, congratulations! I am so happy for you! I have been praying for you, here in Indiana. Congratulations again!

  20. Super Big Congrats to you and your family! I can't wait to hear more!


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