Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Here we are!

It's been a while since I posted. Whew, my life sure has changed! My friends can second that because I've been missing in action for a while. My days of chatting on the phone are long gone.

4 kids makes things exciting around our house. There is never a dull moment. We are all settling into a new routine and getting adjusted to the new baby. If only I could get some sleep....

Here I am with little Caroline. She's a month old now. Last week Kate started 8th grade ( I can't believe how grown up she is... isn't she beautiful! ) and Will (he's a handsome big kid now )started 1st grade. Here they are the first day of school with little Miss Madeline and her Barbie entourage her new faves.

I treated Kate to a special treat before school started. I bought her a new Juicy Couture purse. I splurged because she was such an incrediable help while I was on bedrest and once the baby arrived. What a wonderful daughter! I still was a little frugal I got it at Nordstroms Rack for 50% off.

I wonder if it's possible to have twins 3 years apart because Caroline and Madeline look EXACTLY alike as newborns.

Will loves to hold his baby sister. He says he's her favorite sibling. Right when he gets home from school the first thing he asks is how is Caroline and can I hold her.

This is only time Madeline and Will can sit next to each other without hitting or arguing. Caroline has both of their hearts. They just adore her.

You can see here how itty bitty Caroline still is. I guesstimate she is about 7 pounds now.
Still working on her room. I don't make it out much. Hobby Lobby is calling my name...
Oh one more thing, my husband said I need to give up my frugal Jen name because I haven't been so frugal. I've been hitting the grocery store with no coupons and spending way too much money! I told him I'll be back soon....


  1. OMG first kate is beautiful...she suddenly looks more teen and less tween:(

    Bella also has her entourage of princess dolls ( same size of barbie but disney)So funny!

    Caroline is so perfect! Love squish babies! It was great chatting the other day!

  2. All your kids are super cute! I can barely handle one, so I can't imagine 4!

  3. What a beautiful family you have! Congratulations on the addition of baby Caroline!

  4. Oh, congratulations!!! Your pictures tugged at my "mommy" strings as my oldest girl will be entering 7th grade this year. How exciting to have a baby - she's adorable! Best wishes to you all!

  5. I want to see a picture of Madeline as a baby and Caroline side by side. :) I can't get over how much they look alike! We are getting settled. We need to have you guys over soon!

  6. Glad to hear from you Jen! The kids look great and Caroline is beautiful! Take care and can't wait to see pics of the babies room when it is finished - I know you'll do a great job! :)

  7. She is so beautiful! Hope that you, and the rest of the group, are adjusting well! Miss talking to you, but I can be patient. Love on baby Caroline for me instead.

    Talk to you soon!


  8. Your kids are beautiful. Well, I guess your son has to be handsome. hehehe I'm sure you'll get your frugal groove back soon.

  9. Caroline is perfect!! All of them are so cute! I'm glad you're back! I've been a follower of yours for a while and prayed for you while on bedrest. I've thought about you a few times in the last week especially, as my water broke at 28 weeks (a week ago today) and I'm on bedrest in the hospital until I deliver! If you have any wise advise for me, let me know :)
    Take care - Suzanne

  10. Thanks SO much for stopping by my blog, Jen!! You look like you have such a sweet family and such beautiful kids. Can't help in the colic department (hope you find the answer!) but will see what I can do about outfit staples :). Cheers!


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