Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Jennifer and the expected new baby are in good hands and doing well. We look forward to being home soon with our new gift. Thanks to all for your continued thoughts and prayers.

-Jen's Frugal Family


  1. Thinking about you guys! Girl I have been there...I had my girls (twins) at 33 weeks. Praying you get to keep that little one in there a little bit longer!s

  2. Jen and Josh .. Please know you are in my prayers today. Be strong!

  3. I dont ever post, but, I am praying and thinking the best thoughts! God SPeed!

  4. Thinking about you and sending prayers your way , I too have been there.... had my first born at 26 weeks..... she is now 20 years old and very healthy !
    I agree, Be Strong !

  5. So many prayers my friend. You are all I can think about today.

  6. Praying for you and your family.

  7. Praying! Thank you for keeping us updated.

    Mom at 32 week and 36 week boys,

  8. you are in my prayers, Jennifer! Kim gave me a heads up earlier today.. did not know you went back to the hospital.. our family will continue to pray for you and your sweet addition...
    God Bless!

  9. I hate to post anonymously, but I don't have any other way. I'm praying for the best situation for all of you. Thanks for keeping Jen's readers informed.

  10. Jen & Josh-

    I'm praying...for wisdom of the doctors, peace for the two of you, and health for your sweet baby. Jen I wish I was there to give you more support, but know that one of your oldest friends is with you in spirit and prayer!

    Love you,

  11. Jen - I'm praying for you girl! Hang in there - God is in control of this. Can't wait to hear. Love to you all!

  12. jen -

    praying for you and that sweet baby to be fine - things will be perfect for you in no time, i know it! please know you are in my thoughts and prayers

    lori (johnston) chung


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