Sunday, July 11, 2010

Princess Table

My Little Miss loves dress up. With the addition of baby #4 we lost the playroom. So when we moved her to a big girl room I made little play areas for her.
This is her make up table. She actually uses this table... especially when she's supposed to be napping. I find her sitting here with her pretend blow dryer and straightener.

This is an easy and affordable little dress up table to mimic for your little princess. It just takes a few little pieces.

Ross $30 (couldn't pass it up)

Bombay Kids about 5 years ago this is a hand me down from big sister. You could use any mirror.

Lamp: $5 garage sale find with one of her FABULOUS glamRbaby bows adorning the shade. This is a great way to display outgrown baby bows.

Table: Craigslist find for $10. After baby comes I am going to repaint and put tulle around the bottom. Similar to this one.

Accessories: Wallyworld (Wal-mart) has a great princess hair set with a bag, pretend straightener, blow dryer, brush and hair things.


  1. really cute idea, i may have to use this!!

  2. That is adorable! She is a very lucky little girl.

  3. I can just see her sitting there playing with her hair. Very cute.

  4. awww that is really cute! I remember when my two were little and used to play pretend hairdresser on a little pink dressing table they had.


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