Sunday, July 18, 2010

Contractions Please Go Away...

Until at least next week. I'm now 34 weeks and 2 days. I'm 1/2 cm dilated... not much. The contractions have ramped up in intensity and frequency. Right when I'm ready to head to the hospital they stop. Yesterday I had the worst one I thought my water was going to break and the baby would be minutes away. Man it hurt bad. Funny how your body forgets about that pain after the baby arrives. Then you remember again when your pregnant.

Yesterday, I got my 1st of 2 shots of steroids for the baby's lung development. I get the 2nd one today. From what I've read for maximum effectiveness you need at least 48 hours prior to delivery. Any nurses out there know more?

This is all really wearing on me. It's been weeks since I've slept at night for more than a few hours. (My body will really be well adjusted for a new baby) That's the positive. The negative is my body is so worn down physically and emotionally. After I got the shot yesterday I started getting paranoid it was hurting the baby. You see I am the type that doesn't take very many meds when I'm pregnant. I feel the less you introduce into the body the better.

If you don't mind will you say a little prayer. Thank you my blog buddies! Thanks for listening (reading) to be vent a bit.


  1. Praying for you and your precious cargo. As a mom with 32 & 36 weeks deliveries who are now 23 and 19 men! The shot will help, not harm your little one. God is in control.

    Garland TX

  2. Bella was a steroid shot baby....and well you know how she is! Maybe if anything they add just enough spunk to make life interesting! Many prayers:)

  3. CThinking of you! I do know how difficult it is. Hang in there. I had both steroid shots when I was pregnant with Ashlyn and she was just fine. No worries. And, I do remember them telling me in the hospital that it does take about 48 hours for the shot to take full effect. However, since you've already gotten 1 and second today, that should really help. Oh, and don't forget, for every 1 day the baby stays in is actually equal to 3 days for the baby,development wise. That always made me feel better when I really started to stress.

  4. Milla was a steroid shot baby too and I am so thankful they did it! She was tiny, but her longs were super strong. Hang in there mama, I'm praying for you and your sweet baby. Call me if you need anything.

  5. We will be praying for the baby's health and for peace for you.

  6. sweetie, my prayers are with you and baby! please know I'm here if you need to talk!

  7. Praying for you all as always!

  8. Still praying! We talked to Cindy after church yesterday and she told us about the steroid shots. Hope the little one can hold out a little while longer!


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