Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Patience, Not My Virtue

Today as I am resting at home I've caught up on some of my favorite blogs. I was reminded today by Heather about patience.

Let me tell you patience is NOT a virtue I have. I can hear my mom and husband read and say "I second that"

Some of my impatient qualities:
  • I almost always mess up my paint projects because I cannot wait for them to fully dry
  • If I want something I usually find a way buy it... now
  • I don't like sitting still and waiting (doctors, meetings.. etc)
  • I'm almost always waiting until that next dream house... the next season... the next big change
  • I hate my house being messy and clean almost obsessively

As I look at these I see the word "I". So much we get caught up in "me, me, me". It's during this difficult time of being on bed rest that so many of my friends have come and let go of their "me's" and helped our family out. What a blessing to take time out of your day to do something nice for someone else. A phone call, a play date, a meal, a card.... all many blessings and encouraging.

God is teaching me patience right now, in a big way! I've been able to get off strict bed rest and now I can get out a bit but I fine myself overdoing it. Why? Because I am impatient. I have to get things done right? No. I heard God telling me many times during the day "Patience Jennifer, be patient."

I have a feeling my mom and husband have been praying for my patience. God really has a sense of humor because he gives you opportunities to improve yourself and holiness exactly the way you need it. Wow, change is painful!


  1. Much love:) Hope to see you this weekend!

  2. Hope you are keeping your sanity, friend! I still am hoping to come down to see you in the next couple of weeks. It depends on the kids' schedules. I would like them all four to come to have a hotel vacation. I'll be in touch!


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