Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Potty Training Round 3, HELP!!

OK Moms, I need your help. I've successfully potty trained 2 children but the 3rd is having a very difficult time. She simply doesn't want to go in the potty. She will go around the house with no problem. It reminds me of potty training a puppy. She'll go hide in the corner. It's actually kinda cute!

I've tried stickers, snacks, princess panties, rewards... the list goes on and on. We are on day 2 of home lock down.

HELP! Anyone else have tips for potty training the child who doesn't want to do it?

She will be 3 in a couple weeks.

I will have to delete the post when she gets older don't want to have this story out there in cyber world....


  1. Well, I am in the process of potty training my daughter who turned 3 yesterday. She's actually doing pretty well, but my son was super-hard! I'm serious--I thought he was never going to be potty trained. I finally went to Target/Walmart and bought all kinds of treats--some bigger ($3 or so--and some smaller) and put them in a treat bucket. Then, every time he used the potty, he got to pick a treat. I was desperate. I know this is not frugal, but something had to change. It worked! And after a couple of weeks, he lost interest in the treats, which worked out great because by then, the potty was a habit. Good luck!

  2. Oh man. I hate potty training. This mom of four would tell you to stop and pick it back up in a few months. She'll do it when she's ready. Both my boys were 3 1/2 before they trained. Maybe she's reacting to the pregnancy. Who knows. Most of all, don't stress. It's no big deal. If you are determined to do it now, maybe make a list of big girl things she wants to do, do a sticker chart and reward her with a big girl activity when she gets a certain number of stickers.
    Good luck! :)

  3. My youngest was definitely my hardest. She just wasn't into it we tried and tried right after she turned 2. finally about 1 month before she turned 3 my oldest (12 years) convinced her that we'd buy her a pink potty chair if she went potty. Low and worked. It was the pink potty all along she didn't like going on the big toilet even with the insert. Good luck!

  4. Don't stress about it. If she's not ready, she's not ready. And honestly it's a control thing with some children. My son was 3 1/4 yrs when I finally got him potty trained. The other three were earlier, one as early as just 2, but he wanted to be like his big brother. It will come in time, but don't pull your hair out doing it. The good thing about pt later, they seem to just get it and have less accidents, at least that was my experience.

  5. My son was close to 3 1/2. He was not interested in training AT ALL. So we did some hard core training, for two whole days and he has never looked back. I hired a Potty Trainer! She came in for ONE day, and we fed him salty snacks (he had pringles right after breakfast!) and LOTS of liquid, yummy stuff. And he sat on the potty in the living room for a WHOLE day. and the potty teacher and I sang our hearts out, read lots of books, had a mystery bag of fun things to talk about and explore and he sat there on teat potty until he went pee and then the routine started again. AND IT WORKED! It really helped having a "teacher" there to assist, my other son was just one and also needed my attention. I found here on Kijiji!

  6. While I haven't potty trained anyone, my sister has and what she did is put "big girl underpants" UNDER the diaper, so she feels what wet underwear feels like and how uncomfortable it is. Seemed to work!

  7. Two things that helped with me. With one of my boys it was a control issue. So as soon as I quit pushing it, he started doing it all on his own. For my daughter I bought those Gerber underpants that are fabric on the inside and plastic on the outside. She was good to go in less than 2 weeks. It was kind of messy sometimes, but well worth it. And we did it during football season where we are on the go all. the. time. Good luck and lots of patience :)

  8. My son just turned 16 yrs. old today and I will just say this. My mil wanted him trained at 2. I let him lead me. I bought a potty that fit on the toilet. Not the little one that sits on the floor. I would ask him everyday did he want to sit on the potty. It was around Feb. that he one day said yes. I sat him up there and he went. I put underwear on him and he had many accidents in the house but after 2 days or so, he was going on the toilet. (he would turn 3 in May) Now, pooping in the pot was another story. He went in the underwear for a while. But one day it clicked and we never looked back.

    I don't know if that helps or not. Good luck.

  9. Hi Jen,

    We are also in the process of potty training. After stressing about it for a while I've now decided to let it go. I was driving myself crazy with it.

  10. My youngest one was about 3-1/2 or almost 4 before he was completely potty trained. He would stay dry all night way before then and knew what he was suppose to do but was unbelievable stubborn about it all. I too tried everything to no avail.
    Finally one day he wet himself at the store and I told him that since he was acting like a baby he needed baby diapers and put him back in diapers. Let me tell you he was not at all impressed by the idea of being treated like a baby and wearing diapers again. Fortunately for me that worked.
    Some kids need longer before they are ready to give up the diapers and yours maybe one of them. I know how frustrating it can be when they get stubborn but someone once told me that they won't be 16 going to prom in a diaper. Just keep trying is the best advise I can give you.

  11. PJ hated the little potty, so we bought her the thing that goes on the big toilet, she did much better with it. Actually I am pretty sure she never went in the little potty. Anyway...and we bribed the crap out of her. She does not get a lot of sugar in our house so M&M's are like gold to her. Each time she went she got an M&M and like the other Mom said, eventually she quit asking for her M&M. Good Luck!
    Mandi Hooper (Hey there!)

  12. You might just have to back off for a while and let her decide she wants to do it. We used treats and prizes with Nathan, but nothing worked consistantly. He's stubborn so HE had to decide when he was ready. (Which ended up being when we told him his friend was already potty trained. He didn't want her to one-up him!)

    Or you could bribe her with a trip to Disneyland...that's how I potty trained Claire!


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