Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fun and Frugal Trip

Warning photo overload!!!
We had a wonderful family vacation to Galveston. It's about 5 hours from where we live.
The first day we headed to Moody Gardens. The kids loved it! My friend Carrie mailed us a discount coupon. Thanks Carrie! We stayed at a brand new Holiday Inn Express. LOVED IT!! Take a look at the room. We had our own balcony overlooking the ocean. Honestly this hotel room ranked up with some 5 star hotel's we've stayed at.

You can still see damage from the hurricane. This is the Flagship hotel. I grew up staying at this hotel each year.

We enjoyed walking on the beach. You can see how they've built up the beach with sand. They have trucks out each night. We were thrilled to see they rebuilt Murdoch's.
Kate with her name in the sand. Can you believe my big girl turned 13 this weekend?
Every trip to Galveston must include dinner at Gaido's Seafood.
The family!

We headed to The Houston Space Center. I found a coupon online for 50% off admission.
My favorite part was visiting the Buoyancy Lab where the astronauts train in the water to mimic space.

A bonus for the kids was seeing the Star Wars characters. This was a special for spring break. Did I say it was crowded? It was very crowded.
We had a fabulous time together. Another trip is a must. Something wonderful about the warm ocean air. While we were out of town it snowed at home. Whew, glad we missed the last snow storm. I'm a sunshine and ocean girl!


  1. Looks like such a nice trip! Are you sure you're pregnant? You don't look it at all in your picture!!

  2. What great pics and looks like you all had a lot of fun!!

  3. Happy Birthday Kate! Looks like everyone had a great time on your trip!

  4. I am a sunshine and water kinda girl too. Tired of this dreary cold weather up here. It is 10am and it looks like it is dusk out:(

    Looks like you had a great vacation. Great pics.

  5. It looks like y'all had such a great time! So happy you got to get away! We rent a beach house down there in the summer, I can't wait till June!

  6. Looks like you all had a great time. You'll have to tell us all about the space center.

  7. What a great trip!! You were so close to me! My kids would have loved the Star Wars characters, and we haven't been to Moody Gardens yet but have heard it's wonderful!

  8. I love Galveston! I'm glad to see things are getting rebuilt. My mom is from there and my family owns a business on the Strand. We were actually there the weekend before the hurricane! Anyway, glad u had a good trip!


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