Thursday, February 25, 2010

Spring Break on a Budget

I've been dreaming of a nice beach with and ocean....

I recall our family vacation in 2007 to St. Thomas. What an incredible trip. Little Madeline was only 2 months old. Yes, we were crazy to take a newborn overseas.

When I think beach I think of this picture of Will and Kate on the beach.
We are heading for a little spring break weekend trip soon. We asked the kids where they would like to go of course we hear, Disney World or St Thomas. Um... not quite that big of a trip.

We have to stay in the big state of Texas. First choice was Sea World until the tragedy yesterday. I desperately would like to see some ocean. Although it's not the crystal clear waters but it's a beach and it will do.

We are heading to Galveston. I've done my research and surprisingly found some great hotel rates. We are also visiting NASA in Clearlake. When I think of Houston I think the movie lines "Houston we have a problem". This attraction is one of the kids favorite spots.

While searching I discovered extra online discounts for Moody Gardens and The Johnson Space Center.

Hotel tip, we like to stay at Holiday Inn Express or Comfort Suites. These two chains have free hot breakfast in the morning and most of them are brand new. Having a breakfast in the morning saves at least $25 a day for our family of 5.
I've got some Houston readers do you have any money saving tips?


  1. I'm not from Houston but was researching a Spring Break trip (until my man was scheduled for ACL repair) and found a Houston City Pass online. For one fee, you get entrance to the zoo, Space Center Houston, Downtown Aquarium, Museum of Fine Arts OR Children's Museum and Museum of Natural History. You save, like 45% off the regular admissions...

  2. Look for discounts for the schlitterbahn in galveston the usually have some deals online. it is really nice and has indoor waterslides if the weather isn't that great. You can also take a cooler in there and bring in your own food to save $$$.

  3. The last time we took a cruise out of galveston, we stayed in Kemah for a night (near galveston) and they have a boardwalk that had lots of neat stuff..restaurants, amusement type rides, etc. It was really fun! Check out

  4. We go to Galveston every year and really like it. You're right.. its not crystal clear waters but its a beach! We went for Thanksgiving this past year and there were soo many seashells that were still on the shore line from the hurricane. There is alot of rebuilding that the island is doing. But Kemah Boardwalk is great. Moody Gardens is great. And the Space Center. All good tourist spots. The kids love the ferries. We went deep sea fishing one time and that was really cool. There was also a really cute little go-kart/arcade place that we took the kids too and they had a blast. Have fun! We are going back Memorial Weekend...

  5. I don't have any tips but I would like you to talk about your St. Thomas trip. What did yall do while there? Our son wants a beach vacation and we were thinking Atlanis Resort or Turks. We have to have something to do our my husband is not a beach person.


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