Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Many of my long time readers have noticed a change in my posting pattern. I used to spent many hours researching and working on projects.

I've found myself spending entirely too much time reading blogs, checking my email and catching up on facebook. I realized the extent when I stopped to see that my kids were trying to get my attention away from the computer and made comments about "Mommy's always on the computer". That was my wake up call.

Right now I am pulling back even further from my computer and phone. I feel like God is calling me to be a better wife and mother putting my family first. I apologize in advance if I don't respond quickly to emails or I don't pick up my phone. My energy and focus right now is directly on my family.

I hope to post maybe once a week. I would like to thank all of you for your readership it makes me smile to know I can give you tips or be an online friend. I've met some great people and gained friendships through my blog. Thank you for your pregancy prayers it means very much to our family.

See you soon!


  1. You shouldn't have to apologize for putting your family first.

  2. You are doing the right thing, love you girl!

  3. I'll certainly miss you! But, I'll still be in touch! :) Take care!

  4. good for you! no apologies necessary!

  5. I'm feeling the same a bit. Like, do I sit and write about my life or get off the computer and actually experience my life?

    Enjoy the break. Hope all is well!

  6. No apology needed. Go where you are needed. God bless!

  7. You don't have to apologize for doing what you need to do. We will be here when you get back. Take care.


I enjoy hearing from my readers!