Sunday, January 3, 2010

Menu Monday

I am looking forward to getting back to our regular schedule. Today is the kids last day off for Christmas break. Also looking forward to eating healthy.

This morning is my first Dr's appointment. I am looking forward to the sonogram but nervous about meeting a new Dr. I will let you know tomorrow how it goes. So far my main symptom of this pregnancy is complete exhaustion. I've slept late and taken 2 hour naps. I forgot about that part. Oh yeah, meat smells horrible. This week I am still cooking meat but will opt for a salad instead of meat.

Monday: Pizza and Salad

Tuesday: Meal on the Go (Back to Ballet nights) Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and apple slices

Wednesday: Mini Meatloaf and Baked Potato's

Thursday: Freezer Purge Buffet. I've accumulated a lot of different little meals I am going to cook several and have a buffet.

Friday: Taco Soup


  1. I am praying for you to have a great appointment and your baby is doing great!

  2. I can't wait to hear how the appointment goes!


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