Thursday, January 7, 2010


How about some freebies for this winter day? People in Texas FREAK out when it gets cold. They even canceled school today... no snow just a bit of ice on the bridges. At least we can all stay inside and stay warm.

Here you go, lots of great one's!

Free Pregnancy Journal - this is a great freebie if you are expecting or trying for a baby. I love keeping notes and experiences during my pregnancies.

Free Sample of Teekanne Tea- what a great way to warm up in this cold weather.

Free Post-It Durable Tabs- post it's got everything! When I think of 3M I think of Michelle and Roney's High School Reunion movie. Anyone else remember that?

Free Organic Hand Sanitizer- now this is interesting. How is alcohol made organic?

Free Ivan Mog Candy Apple- I saved the best for last! I ordered this one the other day. I hope I get it. WOW!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the great freebies! Congrats on your pregnancy, too! So exciting! I don't know how you do it with 3....soon 4! Hope you get some more energy soon :)


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