Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bath & Body Works BIG SALE

Oh how I love Bath & Body Works! My favorite smell is Vanilla Bean Noel which is only available at Christmas. I don't buy it until after Christmas when it goes on sale super cheap. I stock up!
Part of making frugal fabulous is still having great items such a splurge soaps. Something about that cute little soap dispenser and wonderful scent is an absolute household must have, well at least I think so.

I ALWAYS have these soaps in my bathrooms. It makes that 1 minute as I close the door away from the kids enjoyable as I wash my hands and smell that fragrance. Then I open the door back to reality as someone under 3 ft tall has been banging on the door.

They are having their big annual sale. Run... go stock up!


  1. hahaham i know a lot of people who do this. i actually work there, and it's been CRAZY since the yellow sale started! ANDDD some of the classic scents are back - pearberry, country apple, plumeria :) good stuff!

  2. Jen, that is my favorite scent too. I love it.

  3. I stocked up last year, but I haven't made it over there yet this year. Maybe next week when its not in the teens outside!


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