Monday, November 16, 2009

Menu Monday

Monday: Peanut Butter Sandwiches and Chips on the go. We are skipping the weekly grilled cheese sandwich too similar to the paninis for tomorrow.

Tuesday: Grilled Panini's - shredded pepper turkey from deli, red and green pepper slices, mushrooms (for hubby not me), provolone cheese, avocados and bacon. Just a dash of Italian dressing. All put together and melted on the George Foreman grill (love this gadget). Served with a side of Pasta Salad.

Wednesday: Spaghetti and Meatballs

Thursday: Chicken and Rice - I have some cooked shredded chicken from the freezer I will throw in the skillet with a bit of EVOO and season with Kickin Chicken seasoning. 2 cups of cooked rice, 1 can of cream of chicken soup, 1/2 a can of chicken broth mix with chicken. Top casserole with mozzarella cheese and bake. The seasoned chicken makes the dish flavorful and a bit spicy. Served with a side salad.

Friday: Make your own pizza's back!

A friend gave me a packet full of new recipes. I am going to pick a new one each week to make... starting next week. She's an instructor at my gym and is in amazing shape. So the recipes are good but also healthy.

Also hoping the weather here in North Texas changes cold so I can make some yummy crockpot recipes (side note: did you know crockpot comes up on spell check as wrong but suggested spelling is crack pot????)


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