Thursday, November 12, 2009

Gifty Games

My friend Jenny found a great Christmas gift for well.... cheap.

Let me share what she did.

Toys R Us Hasbro Games
  • Buy 7 for $3.99 each
  • Use the Hasbro Rebate form and get $14 back
  • Also qualify for a $10 Toys R Us gift card
  • Total Cost 56 cents a game!

Way to be frugal Jenny! Thank you for sharing.


  1. Thanks! This is a great bargain!

    My question is, how do you get the $10.00 gift card? Is that automatic?


  2. It is automatic...and works 6 hours after your purchase. We got 2 gift cards and a 5 dollar one for buying dipers so we have $25 to spend today when we do our Christmas shopping plus if we spend $75 we'll earn another $10 card. Hope that makes sense!


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