Thursday, October 29, 2009

Grocery Time Again

** Update I did it! I spent $102***

Last week it was grocery intervention time. I am sorry to say I did not make it to Costco this week. My week has been crazy and it didn't happen.

Tomorrow I am back to Kroger. They have a big sale. I've matched my coupons and made my list. I wanted to share these great sites:

My goal is $110. Let's see how good I do this week.

I have to share something funny. The last 2 weeks I've purchased Halloween candy ahead of time. Problem is we have consumed 4 bags in 2 weeks. I just can't stay away from mini twix, m&m's, milkyway.

What is your favorite Halloween candy?


  1. I like snickers and peanut M&Ms! Of course, I don't buy either because of Claire's allergy...I think that's why I always pig out on them when I do get them!

  2. I stopped giving out candy a few years ago and we now give from Costco the snack or lunch size Frito Lay products - 50 in a box like Doritos, Fritos, Cheetos. I'm know as "the lady that give good stuff" so the kids don't miss the candy and I'm not eating it.

  3. I buy and give cheap candy so that I don't eat any of it. I'm sure kids are bummed after they leave our house!

    How'd the grocery trip go? Email me.

  4. Love Snickers and Kit Kat. I just bought it today so that I wouldn't eat it. God give me strength!
    Funny story (Sorry AmyG!): Two years ago when my son was 3, we were trick-or-treating in our neighborhood when one of the neighbors gave him a bag of chips. He looked at it, said "This isn't candy!" and gave it back. He was horrified! I thought it was hilarious!


I enjoy hearing from my readers!