Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wasteless Wednesday:Car Makeover

I have 3 children and I drive a mini-van. No, I do not wear "mom jeans". I try to be an stylish mom, yes skeptics it's possible in a mini-van.

OK, so my car is not always clean. The kids have a hard time cleaning their room so the car is no exception.

Fast and cheap tips:
  • We do a once a week clean out when we get gas. While I am at the pump everyone pitches in to pick up papers, cups and trash.
  • Once a month I get the household vacuum out and attack the car. I usually find lots of broken gold fish and cheerios.
  • When I need a wash I go to the $5 drive thru washes. It's cheap without the vacuum and scent. The kids enjoy staying in the car as we go in.

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  1. Good ideas! Some places that offer the $5 car wash also offer free vacuums- by you, not them. I use theirs as it is quicker to do it all there and not drag out the vacuum.

  2. Just a thought...Underneath Bella's seat ( the floorboard part) we stuck those disposable table top covers...easy peasy clean up and often tiem you can re-use them:) Plus she likes looking at elmo!

  3. I would be incredibly embarrassed if you set foot in my car right now:( SCARYNESS

  4. My mini van is a mess right now! It could really use a makeover. We have a $3 car wash on S. Cooper that we like. It has free vaccuums too!

  5. Actually I need to take my own advice. My car is a wreck! We had a snack explosion yesterday in the car.

  6. Be sure to check with Valpac for car wash coupons!! I can usually get a wash for $3. :)


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